FLSmidth’s linear automation systems link high capacitysample preparation equipment with proven mechanicalsampling devices using reliable sample transfermechanisms.
Simply load your dried field sample into a crusher andcollect the assay portion at the other end.
Linear automation systems offer many of the benefitsassociated with more flexible robot-based automationcells but at a fraction of the cost.
Greater consistency, improved traceability, better hazardmanagement, increased throughput and insulation fromlabour availability and cost fluctuations are benefits fromautomating sample preparation processes.
These systems are specifically designed for mediumthroughput mineral laboratory sample preparationrequirements. They are ideal for processing mineral oressuch as gold, nickel and iron ore.
They are well suited for use at remote mining andexploration sites, in transportable laboratories and do notrequire skilled labour to operate.
System Features
●Up to 10 kg of lump ore can be fed into the system
●Rapid crushing to 2 mm from 110 mm prior todividing
●System output of 75 micron with selectable pulpweight and number of collected portions
●Coarse reject either collected or discarded via optionalreject conveyor
●In built air blast cleaning minimises contaminationSmall footprint
●Readily transportable and ideal for remote locationwork
●Simple and fast installation
●Manual handling of samples greatly reduced
●Less risk of human error - skilled labour not needed
●Designed for easy maintenance as major equipmentitems positioned at floor level
●Modular design incorporating proven Essa®equipment
Description and Capabilities
The LAS402 linear automation system includes an Essa®Model JC2501 Jaw Crusher, an Essa® RTS034V variablesplit rotary tube sampler and a fine pulverising Essa®ABM200R Autobatch Mill with an in-built rotary divider.An in-feed load cell is also supplied as standard. Thesystem’s PLC determines the appropriate coarse splitratio based on initial sample mass to ensure the requiredsample weight for fine pulverising.
The JC2501 accepts lump ore and core up to 110 mmand produces a fine crushed material, 85% passing2 mm, suitable for division and pulverising.
The crusher features a simple self feeding mechanism.This prevents the crusher being choke fed with an excessof fine or compactable material that may overstress thecrusher. In addition, it completely prevents operatorexposure to the crushing chamber whilst sample is beingcrushed.
The variable split rotary tube sampler delivers a coarsesplit of between 5% and 48% of 2 mm material.
Coarse material reject from the sampler is dischargeddirectly from the side of the ABM200R cabinet. If thereject is not be collected then it is recommended that it isremoved via a reject conveyor.
The ever reliable ABM200R mill, fitted with a 2000 ccbowl, pulverises up to 1.2 kg to 75 micron. Typically800 g is selected.
The rotary divider after the ABM200R divides the sampleto selectable portions. This is done by placing one ormore segments into a standard rotary sample divider.A trouble-free bucket lifter moves samples from thecrusher to the rotary tube sampler keeping all majorequipment items on ground level for easy maintenance.The bucket lifting system includes an air blast cleaningstation, with dust extraction point, for keeping the bucketfree of residual sample material.
The RTS034V and ABM200R both incorporate in-built airblast clean and dust removal systems to minimise samplecross-contamination.
Method of Operation
The system is controlled by a single operator weighing andfeeding samples at the in-feed point.
Typically samples are crushed to 2 mm and then fed to theRTS034V, a coarse split of 800 g is taken and introducedto the ABM200R where it is pulverised to 75 micron beforebeing fine split to configurable segments.
Up to three samples are processed in the system at anyone time.
Skilled labour is not required to operate this system.
Typical Throughput
If crushing 2 kg to 10 kg of sample and fine pulverisingnominally 0.8kg you can achieve up to a maximum of ten(10) prepared samples per hour.
System Availability
These reliable systems will achieve typical throughputspecifications in 22 hours with a recommended 2 hoursallowed for cleaning and planned maintenance per day.
Safety Features
●Improved operator safety is a major benefit of thissystem.
●In-built dust extraction minimises operator exposure tonoise and dust.
●A mechanical lifter transfers the sample between thecrusher and sampler. It is recommended the coarse rejectis removed via conveyor. Manual handling is limited tosimply loading the crusher and collecting up to 1.2kg offinely pulverised sample.
●The system includes protective guarding and emergencystops. Locked safety switches are incorporated into themain operator access points to ensure operator safety.
●Both the sample in-feed and out-feed are at comfortableheights for the operator’s use.
●By keeping major equipment at ground level theergonomics for both operators and maintenance personnelis greatly improved over other systems on the market.
Essa® LAS402 Linear Automation SystemScope of Supply
●Log in station with balance
●Essa® JC2501 Jaw Crusher
●Bucket lifter—sample transport from JC2510 to RTS
●Essa® RTS034V Variable Rotary Tube Sampler withvibratory feeder
●Essa® ABM200R Autobatch Mill
●Rotary sample divider, with three sample segments, atthe ABM200R discharge
●Control PLC and MCC cabinet
●Safety fencing
System Requirements
●Power:18 kW three phase
●Compressed Air:390 m3/hr FAD at 800-1200 kPa clean, dry, oil free
●Dust Extraction:1500 m3/hr